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Saturday, June 29, 2024 | Back issues
Courthouse News Service Courthouse News Service


Millenia-old almonds used to date ancient shipwreck

The ship sank around the time the Colossus of Rhodes was built.

New Danish exhibit highlights priestesses of Viking mythology

Highly valued in male-dominated Viking society, female Norse seers or vølver guided Vikings of all social standings through life challenges. An unorthodox new exhibit, opening next week at the Danish National Museum, aims to give visitors the full vølve experience.

A ship found far off Israel’s coast could shed light on the navigation skills of ancient mariners

The boat and its cargo were fully intact and appeared to have sunk either in a storm or after coming under attack by pirates.

New horned dinosaur, now named after Norse god, discovered in Montana

Researchers have found that a fossil discovered in 2019 is a new species of centrosaurine, a type of horned dinosaurs similar to the Triceratops.

Oakland celebrates Juneteenth amid attacks on education about Black history

Celebrations of Black history and movements for justice have a long history in Oakland, where events commemorating Juneteenth last for more than one day.
